I am 28. If I were a Vulcan, I would have to mate, but instead I will celebrate the growing influence of Saturn by distributing prizes. I was recently given the Arte Y Pico Blogging Award, which looks like this:

The significance of the award isn't clear to me, except that (a) it was very nice of fellow Austinite mapelba , a fine writer in her own right, to give me an award, and (b) I am now empowered to give awards to other people and how fun is that? So, without further ado:
River City Kitty. Duh. As far as I'm concerned, this is where stripper blogging started, and it's still the premier online repository of photographs of weird-ass signs in strip-club dressing rooms.
Hobostripper. Double duh -- an unbeatable one-two punch of down-to-earth sultriness and over-the-top stripping stories worthy of passing into the cannon of club legends, alongside Girl Who Went Into Labor Onstage and Customer Who Named Stripper As Life Insurance Beneficiary and Died. If I were a junior executive passing through the midwest on an expense account, this van-dwelling siren is the one I'd pay by the hour to pet my hair and make me feel like a human-being.
Star Light Ministries. Among strippers I know, the mere mention of a "Christian outreach organization targeting exotic dancers" is enough to make us shit and run. The last thing I want when I'm naked and tired is to be judged by a fully clothed person waving a heavy-looking book. Lia Scholl of Star Light Ministries is a whole different breed, however. Her ministry emphasizes understanding and acceptance of exotic dancers as they are, an approach that demands at least as much change and growth from missionaries as it does from the natives Her post on "How to Pray for Women Who Are Exotic Dancers" is how I'd like to be prayed for by anyone who is thataway inclined. In fact, if you want to celebrate my birthday with me, maybe you could make a donation here to support her outreach efforts.
Boomtown Boudoir. This sometime fellow stripper ostensibly writes semi-autobiographically about perfume. In actuality, her blog is about everything that smell invokes -- sensuality, nostalgia, and gut-level experience. Somehow her writing manages to be about what it is like to be a girl, or at least to be the certain kind of girl that she is. I can't get enough and only wish that she would write more often.
Lord of the Barnyard. This one epitomizes everything I've ever liked about well-educated farm boys. Factual and tender, he writes about weather in a way that expresses hope and frustration and relief and despair with elegant economy. I guess the farm blog is dead and he lives in town these days. Still one to watch.
So there you have it. I would like to give out more awards to the many awesome bloggers out there, but I am limited to five. Now, if someone else will hurry up and give me an award, the distribution of favors can continue. (My foot is tapping.)
Happy Birthday! Or rather, live long and prosper.
Make C take you someplace nice. Fill yourself up with sugar, sweets and fine wine!
Hope your day is special!
HA! My birthday too! Happy birthday to us!
Thank you so much, and a VERY happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
And I don't fully understand that award either, but I decided to give to people who write things that expand my world, show me new things, and all that jazz.
So anyway, Glad you passed it on.
Aw, you really made me blush.
omg, you're only 28? I thought you were much older because a) your writing sounds much more mature and b) it sounded like you were nearing the end of the line as a stripper... you know, at age 48 or something like it would have been time to start thinking about alternatives. But 28? The stage is yours.
Happy Birthday Grace!
I wish you all the happiness and pecuniary fortune in the world. May your wishes and hopes for the next year and your Dayjob Project come true and may you never need to see another bean after it has all happened.
Live long and prosper, cheers :)
ps: I just turned 23 earlier this month and I thought the same thing: "If I were a Vulcan, I'd have to get cracking soon in order to make the 28 deadline" - old Trekkie habits die hard
Happy birthday, Grace.
Happy birthday, have a drink eat cake, smile as much as humanly possible xxx
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the fantastic writing.
Happy Birthday and congratulation on your reward. You deserve it. `
Happy belated birthday Grace!
I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have spent many at-work hours going through all the old posts.
You deserve every award you get.
Happy (belated) Birthday, Grace.
Aw shoot ... well now, if I knew there were glittery prizes in the offing, I'd write better.
PS - Happy Bday. (Mine's July 5)
Yes, yes, a very much happying birthing day, sir! May alls your dreaming comes to true! Lovings and kissing, yes, very much happying! Birthings for to celebrate too much!
Happy Birthday...
Thanks everybody! Happy (belated) birthday to Frank.
And Sixty, you get enough attention in this blog. People might start to think. :)
Happy Birthday, darlin'!
Thank you for the honors, not to mention the summary... you untangled me nicely, and now I feel all loose.
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