Saturday, May 24, 2008

what the fuck is this shit?

Who are all of you people? What are you doing here? Why are you yelling at me? Last thing I knew I was in here in the dark talking to Tara and Diopter and maybe Sixty, if he's still around, and now all you guys are here and you're scaring me.


two bits said...

you've been boingboinged.

Anonymous said...

You were boingboinged:

Unknown said...

I do believe you've been'd :) I'm ever so glad you were, so far I love your writing style.

Anonymous said...

Thats what happens when BoingBoing links to you.

Eric said...

You were linked to on

Ehsan said...

I'm not sure who is yelling at you, but maybe it has something to do with this:

G. C. Powell said...

don't worry, they're not yelling at you. they're just boring people.

Unknown said...

Could be because you were linked to on the popular blog Boing-Boing

Hope this doesn't mean you'll stop writing.


emerge.amaranthine said...

I thought you'd be interested to know that the folks over at featured you in a post. That's probably the reason for all the traffic. Here's the link:

Lee said...

No idea if you're a real stripper, but you're certainly a real writer!

Anonymous said...

You're on Boing Boing.

Unknown said...

You're on Boing Boing:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Because you are on boingboing:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog here: A blog written by a stripper who is also a fine writer on Boing Boing. You have an enthralling style. Please keep writing!!

Grace said...

OK. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

bring the entries back, I was reading them. :/

Anonymous said...

no freako out-o. srsly, it'll pass.

thus, the nature of the internets.

jconcep said...

i was really excited boingboing pointed me to your blog. definitely keep writing... then get discovered... i totally though book deal while i was reading a few of your posts. really simply lovely writing.

Unknown said...

Sorry if we're scaring you. I found this blog from boing boing, which has a post up entitled "A blog written by a stripper who is also a fine writer." That is too tantalizing a link not to click.

So, yeah, I guess your blog somehow got discovered.

(As an aside, I don't see why it is necessary to note that you are a stripper who is also a "fine writer." It is as if somehow people assume that you are stupid because you strip. Your job seems irrelevant to your ability to write. It's not like writing is some ivory tower academic exercise that only those in certain fields can do...)

I live in North Carolina, and I can pretty much guarantee you that I won't be coming into your club (or your state), ever. I hope that you continue to write your blog, however, because it is interesting.

So much of what we (as average citizens) consume with regards to media is total shit. I've read a fair amount of your blog tonight, and while I don't (and can't, since I don't know you) know if it is truthful, it strikes me as authentic and interesting. I hope that you don't take it down, and continue writing. If you do, I will continue reading.


Anonymous said...

You didn't post the bad comments. I write a blog, you might like it,
I hope I don't get Boing Boing'd.
I just read your post about the 12 yr. old. I had no idea, and I try to keep up with adult news. I heard a real life story from a WWII Vet (same deal) not too long ago. I have a story about when I was dancing and a mentally retarded girl was hired while I filled in as the manager for the evening. It sucked. I'd really like to see more of your blog when it's reposted. I'll link you to my list of favs. I really love your writing, a lot.

Anonymous said...

Kind of bummed you wiped out your archives, I was finding them fascinating. Oh well, it's your blog, your thoughts, you can do as you like. I don't think anyone's wishing you ill. Well, there's always a few idiots and assholes, but such is life.

fantasy weather league said...

Be scared, be very scared- you've been boingboined and will, for a week or so, be beset upon by a nearly incomprehensible amount of techies, trekkies, nerds, geeks, uber-geeks, steampunkers, craftsers, hipsters, tech-bloggers, LARPers and whatever the hell else passes itself off as a subculture these days. Don't worry, we don't bite (well, the tech-bloggers do occasionally, we are working on socializing them- but all the Redbull means they are no longer food-motivated and enthusiastic praise only goes so far...) and after everyone's feed-readers have reset next week, your traffic will likely go back to near normal levels. (Well, the craftsers may stay on long enough to crochet you a thong and a set of handwarmers, but it's just because they bought waaay too much angora wool off etsy and have already knitted thongs and handwarmers for their friends and family (and neighbors, book club members, bodega clerks...)

Fun aside, your writing is whip-smart and lithe, hopefully this surge translates into an opportunity for your words to be seen by a wider audience- if that's something you'd be into.

Anonymous said...

please unblock your blog - it was a wonderful read. i found you on BoingBoing today.

Anonymous said...

Should I be offended not to be mentioned? And here I thought I was all witty.

It appears everything you know about the male ego carries over to the Internets as well :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that all the sudden attention has been a cause for alarm. I just wanted to add myself to the (long and growing?) list of people praising your writing - I think it's great. Assuming you'd want one, you could probably get a book deal out of all this - or at least an agent. Either way, I just wanted to wish you luck, and encourage you to ignore the bozos and to please keep on writing.

Anonymous said...

i think you just had your 15 minutes of fame :) don't worry it'll pass.

judging by the quote on you're a really talented writer. hope all this attention won't put you off.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That BoingBoing has a lot to answer for! Your writing is real and lovely and I am so glad to read that the archives will be back.

I will be a dedicated follower now, so that's one extra visit a day accounted for!

Good luck with things.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you will bring back all your archived posts. For some reason your writing reminds me of Carrie from Sex and the City, only with more depth. I absolutely adore your style and I think you should continue to post to this blog, and maybe consider writing a book, I would really love to curl up with a book written by you in your elegantly blunt writing style.

Aarayan said...

Hi Grace,

Your writing is beautiful, it's a shame BoingBoing didn't warn you they were going to feature you, maybe you should contact them and suggest they start doing that, especially if they're featuring blogs with potentially sensitive material?


ScottyD said...

Just wanted to add support to what others have said here. I have only had exposure to a small amount of your writing, as featured on boingboing... but you're obviously talented and intelligent.

The world needs more information about the people who work in the sex industry. It is a very "hush hush" topic, but the more people know the more they'll understand.

I am, however, one of the fickle masses, and a previous poster was correct... I've now visited once, but because the posts are gone, I likely won't be back... and that's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Your subscribers will shoot through the roof. This is your chance to speak and have people listen. Unfortunately it will probably mean more douche bags, kinda like the real world. Take it in stride and find a way to use it.

Boing Boing is right, you do write well.

Good Luck!

The Cooler King said...

I guess it's just one of the perils of being talented and a compelling writer. Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

If it means anything, I found you before you got added to Boing Boing!

Sorry we freaked you out.

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog. Awesome writer. Pleae, whatever you do, keep writing. You have a gift.

Anonymous said...

Did you here, you got boing-boing-ed. Sheesh, talk about useless people posting the same information for the 20th time.

Well, I guess you'll stop writing or move the blog now, it's like finding out people are reading your diary, you don't want to write any more.

But on the positive side, Web 2.0 citizens have short attention spans, so it will really just be 15 minutes of fame.

On the other hand, having read "The Importance of Being Famous", I think there's probably money to be made somewhere from your 15 minutes...

SheHeartsArt said...

Hello Love.
Your writing style is stunning and entrancing to read.
I'm glad I came across your blog on

AndrewD said...

Oh, yeah. Not to worry. There are a lot of us but we have short attention spans. Probably gone soo

Oooo, cat pictures!!!

Unknown said...

Hey there, I'm another bOING-bOINGer, and I'm looking forward to more writing!

Jor Momma said...

Frankly i prefer my strippers strung out and man hating.

Anonymous said...

that *was* a little fucked-up of xeni, though. the whole thing with throwing an umpty-multi-metric-fuckton bag of random readers at someone with no warning whatever. that's a little irresponsible of her.

i may have to turn in my "what would xeni do" bracelet.

Krafty Like A Fox said...

I am one of those crafty people who got sent over here by boingboing. I'm really enjoying your style and I'm impressed with your sincerity. Please keep writing.

Anonymous said...

No worries, soon you'll be making tons of money off your blog and you can stay home and write for a living - a la


Gundelibuzz said...

Dear Grace

You are a great writer and what you are writing is literature. Keep it up! You should publish a book and go on a reading tour! :)

Marla from Switzerland

Anonymous said...

I love this blog and found it the same way everyone else did this week. Your writing reminds me a bit of Michelle Tea - have you ever read any of her stuff? Either way, you've very talented and I hope you keep the writing up even while working away on the dayjob project.
